Dear Friends,

Help me support the restoration of the Canonica di Belforte in Italy! We have only until the end of November to show our support. The Canonica di Belforte is in urgent need of restoration.
If you’ve read my last book Saving Italy then you will remember the “Flying Priest” Don Guido Anelli. The Canonica di Belforte is the building in which Don Anelli used to meet and supervise the other partisan fighters, those brave Italian patriots who risked and lost their lives during the dark days of 1943-1945.
“What are we without our history? Preservation of the Canonica di Belforte presents us with an opportunity to not only restore an important building of the Middle Ages, one that still possesses its original roof of stones, but preserve the meeting place of partisan fighters and their leader, Don Guido Anelli, who played a critical role in contributing to the defeat of German forces in Italy during World War II. This important building gave birth—and was a place of refuge—for those brave Italian patriots who risked and lost their lives during the dark days of 1943-1945. Its preservation will serve as a reminder for us all that freedom is not free.”
Please, show your support to our friends of Circolo Belforte and vote for the restoration of the Canonica di Belforte. Your vote will give the Canonica a chance to win a restoration project sponsored by FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano (the Italian National Trust).
Just click HERE and vote away!
Unfortunately the wesbite is only in Italian, so here are some easy steps to guide you through your vote:
Click on the green button on the right, where it says “VOTA” with a thumb up
This will take you to a registration page and you can choose whether to log in through your Facebook account (easy) or to create a new account
To create a new account, click on the orange button on the left and enter your information as requested (Name, Lastname, Postal Code, Email address, Username, Password and Retype Password). Make you sure you also select the box confirming that you’ve read terms&conditions.
Click the green button that reads “REGISTRATI” and that’s it!

A confirmation email will be sent to your inbox. Make sure you click on the orange button “CONVALIDA IL VOTO” wihtin the email body to confirm your registration and then log on back to the website and vote!
Enter your newly created username and password by clicking on the green button in the top right corner of the website that reads “ACCEDI”
The small town of Belforte in Parma (Italy) and I thank you for your important support!